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XBOX :The Incredible Hulk

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XBOX :The Incredible Hulk Empty XBOX :The Incredible Hulk

Message par wanted Mer 18 Juin - 2:23

Several years ago the developers at Radical Entertainment delivered one of the best superhero games entitled The Incredible Hulk: Ultimate Destruction. The main reason people loved this game was because it was evident that the developers spent many long hours making sure players feel the sheer power that Hulk possesses. The developers also gave it a good story, great mini-games, and other fun tidbits that players enjoyed. The latest game to star the Hulk is based off the movie with the same name.

The main problem of this game is that there is very little story to be found. Most of the story will be told to the players by looking at a static tape player as Edward Norton tells players what is going on. Other times the story will be relayed by very jerky and ugly cut scenes. This is extremely disappointing as the developers had a chance to really infuse this game with a nice storyline and present it in a positive and fun fashion. XBOX :The Incredible Hulk S4005_360_27

Nombre de messages : 106
Age : 36
Date d'inscription : 15/06/2008

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